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20.2 Casey Nixon - The Corinth Rift fault network
Nixon Background
2.1 Lisa McNeill - Exploring the Corinth rift development using ocean drilling and marine geophysics
Gulf of Corinth basin Top #10 Facts
Understanding subsidence in rift basins
9.3 Tim Dooley - Loading complex salt isopachs: progradational loading of salt-filled rift systems
23.1 Carol Stein - North America’s Failed Midcontinent Rift
3.1 Bailey Lathrop - Using growth faults in 3D seismic to better understand normal fault kinematics
casey ollie nixon
W8 Exp 381 Corinth Active Rift Development
Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake Greece, Gulf of Corinth Rift Spreading
Tectonic Evolution of the Turkana Region: Numerical Model Animation A1 (Reference Model)